Music Ministry

  • Chancel Choir

    The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the choir room.

    We rehearse upcoming anthems for services and prepare music for special events (Easter Services, Christmas Musicals, etc).  Auditions are not required.  However, some music reading or singing experience is helpful.  For more information, contact Alan Brooks at

  • Praise Band and Worship Team Ministry

    Our Praise Band and Worship Team is made up of individuals united to offer a sacrifice of praise through the ministry of Music. Believing that only our finest gifts should be offered in worship, the vocalists and band strive for musical excellence through preparation. The ensemble and band provides a place for our church family who are willing to offer their time and talent in service to the Lord and to participate in the act of worship..

  • Handbell Choir

    The Handbell Choir rehearses seasonally from 5:30-7 on Sunday evenings in the main sanctuary.

    We usually take off during the summer months and resume rehearsals after Labor Day.

    The Handbell Choir is not an auditioned group, but prior music reading experience is very helpful. We prepare music for special services and some community activities. We usually participate in the annual Central Alabama Handbell Festival held at Pleasant Hill UMC at the end of February.

  • Children's Choir

    We would love to have your children participate in our handbell and children’s choirs.  Rising Kindergartners - 5th grade rehearse during Kids Club meetings August-May. We perform on Palm Sunday, Mother’s Day and Christmas. For more information, contact (205) 428-4056

Bob Moore Band

The Bob Moore Band rehearses on Monday nights at 7pm in the choir room.

The Bob Moore Band is a group of musicians who play "big band" era music. We entertain residents at retirement centers, nursing homes, civic groups, etc. This is not an auditioned group, but music reading experience is necessary. For more information, contact Alan Brooks at